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My school uses college names to represent our different class sections. This year, one of our 8th grade sections is UDEL. Igor is an entrepreneur with extensive experience in the real estate industry. Over the last 19 years he has been involved with every aspect of the industry including development, construction, financing and marketing. Winnick concentrates her practice in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, corporate law and governance, corporate finance, securities law and other business-related legal matters.

Winnick received her J. She received B. She provides support to families with children who are at-risk for or have developmental delays. Previously, Ms. Rich served as a Master Family Service Specialist for Delaware's Division of Family Services, investigating and coordinating social work services for families with children at-risk for or experiencing child abuse and neglect. In the past, Ms. Rich has worked with Child, Inc.

I then worked for Child Inc. I continue to work at the Delaware Department of Justice as a victim services social worker, supervise interns from a variety of Universities, including UD, and am a member of the Delaware Victims' Rights Task Force.

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When I'm not working, I have been married to my wonderful spouse since and the mother of two wonderful kids. I also volunteer my time as a Cub Scout Den Leader and spend my time running and getting involved in social justice work. Department of State with a B. During his tenure at the U. Consulate in Guangzhou, he aided U. Kaitlin is not a person to waste time. Hers or a clients.

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After graduating from college in only three years with a bachelor's degree, not an associate degree! Jim and Kaitlin interviewed each other and after discussion and negotiation, they made a deal. Kaitlin would work for Jim as his assistant while she attended law school, and Jim would teach her to practice law if she was worthy.

It wasn't easy for Jim; at first it may have been more work than he signed on for and we are even more certain the deal wasn't so easy for Kaitlin, as Jim was more work than she signed on for. But lo and behold: Exposed daily to a myriad of complex legal issues, her knowledge, skill levels and ability to interact swelled. And she learned, soaking it all up like a sponge. Kaitlin's legal interests also swelled.

She took every IP course offered by her law school and finishing school only six credits shy of those credits required for an LL. M tax.

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We predict she will return and snag those credits, and we predict, also Kaitlin will be a fierce competitor but that she will retain her warm heart. And did we mention, with Jim in trail for much of Spring , Kaitlin taught his trademark and Unfair Competition class at the Law School on many afternoons. And why not? Kaitlin, when she took this course as a student, scored the highest grade in the entire class.

I previously practiced litigation in the areas of catastrophic injury and products liability for major automotive and tire manufacturers. I received my B. I am currently a member of the Florida State and Federal Bars. I am a dedicated advocate for the LGBT community. I currently coach a local high school mock trial competition team, and in my spare time, enjoy spinning, baking, and cheering on the Pittsburgh Steelers and Penguins, the Florida Gators, and of course, the Delaware Fightin' Blue Hens! Clarke School of Law. Candace practices in the areas of workers' compensation exclusively on behalf of injured workers and family law divorce, custody, protection from abuse, property division, visitation, dependency and neglect, and the guardianship of a minor.

Government agencies make research-backed decisions. His background is primarily in survey methodology and analysis, with applied mixed methods experience. At FMG, he supervises multi-disciplinary project teams of expert researchers, SME's, statisticians, programmers, technical editors, and graphic designers on projects primarily for the Department of Defense. His personal research focuses on racial wealth inequality. I went on to earn a football scholarship at the University of Delaware and was a 2 year starter at Strong Safety under the coaching of the late great Tubby Raymond.

I went on to obtain a position is State Government with the state of Delaware. In I earned a position as a Family Court Liaison unit. I have participated in several community functions geared towards mentoring and job fairs. I am currently a committee member of the African American Heritage Institute and an active public speaker. I have worked here for 12 years and in my current position I manage the lease portfolio for the US and Canada.

Swarovski has over retail stores in the US and Canada. Prior to joining Swarovski, I held multiple positions as Paralegal managing real estate closings from the legal perspective. I grew up in Central Pennsylvania as a fun-loving, sport-playing kid with an interest in policy debate.

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After doing four years of debate in high school, I went to the University of Delaware for my undergraduate degree in Sociology with a concentration in law and Society and a minor in Legal Studies. I tailored my degree to cover every aspect of public service: social, political and legal. Following graduation, I worked for a lobbying firm and on several political campaigns before taking a job with current Pennsylvania Governor, Tom Wolf. In the Governor's Policy Office, I liaison with 11 state agencies focused on financial oversight and government operations.

I love my job because it allows me to give back to society and give my public service. In my free time, I enjoy playing sports, exploring the world of craft beer, and hunting for delicious food. In his role, Justin coordinates city-wide emergency response efforts by working with Federal, State, and other areas of municipal government in obtaining the necessary resources to recover after a disaster. Justin is a graduate of the University of Delaware where he majored in Emergency Management and Public Administration. She makes use of her sociology education on a daily basis as she engages with children and families from any and every nationality, race, gender, ethnicity, age group etc.

Having a background in understanding people, culture, and societal norms has helped her focus on providing children with an education, not just in usual ELA, and STEM subjects, but in humanity. I've a demonstrated history working in the higher education industry. I am currently working in higher education in Human Resources. As a Sociologist and Educator, Dr.

Currently, Dr. Christine A. Saum received her Ph. Saum has extensive experience managing grants, conducting program evaluations, collaborating with corrections and courts officials, and working with drug-involved offender populations in both the juvenile and criminal justice systems.

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Saum first became interested in the field of criminal justice after taking the Introduction to Criminal Justice course as an undecided freshman at UD. After becoming a criminal justice major and sociology minor, she was able to work on a professor's research project that was studying juror decision making in various trials. After graduation, Dr. Saum continued her interest in this area and attended the University of Florida to earn her Master's degree.

There she served as a teaching and research assistant at the Center for Studies in Criminology and Law and wrote her thesis on jury nullification and battered women. There she worked on several grants gaining experience collecting and analyzing data and presenting and publishing papers. She will always remember her first project where she interviewed inmates in a Wilmington, DE prison about the incidence of risky behaviors such as drug use and sexual activity behind bars. She wrote her dissertation on violent offenders in drug courts which had become an area of interest after attending an ONDCP meeting in Washington, D.

After earning her Ph. Saum has worked on a variety of research projects, previously serving as Co-Principal Investigator for multi-year federally-funded studies of drug courts and studies of offenders in both prison and community-based treatment programs.

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Saum has also worked on interventions involving reentry strategies for women and juvenile offenders and HIV prevention in corrections. She has served as a consultant on a national drug court MIS project and is currently evaluating the effectiveness of an alcohol treatment court for repeat DUI offenders in Wisconsin. Most recently Dr. Saum has published in the areas of parolee recidivism, women offenders and drug use, corrections-based treatment, drug policy and the drug legalization debate, drug courts, DUI, mental health and teen courts, sex in prison, and date-rape drugs and has co-authored a book on cocaine-exposed infants.

Her teaching interests include corrections, violence, criminal justice policy analysis, specialty courts, prisoner reentry and the drugs-crime relationship. She also enjoys teaching introductory criminal justice classes to educate students about the complex and controversial issues in the field which peaked her interest years before. The attractions were developed primarily in-house by Fantawild animation and special effects units.

Oriental Heritage brings together an exceptional blend of live entertainment, large-scale shows and engaging darkride experiences. It successfully couples technologybased immersive experience with the rich folklore and culture of China, to deliver a truly unique and compelling family destination.

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Fusheng Xie, Head of Animation Dept. Xia Zhang, Designer of Rendering Dept. The video interactions with the spectators showcase the beloved characters Nemo and Dory and many of the other popular characters from Finding Dory including Destiny, the whale shark, and Hank, the octopus. Each of the two theaters utilizes the same motion simulator system as its predecessor, StormRider, which includes a combination of motion and visual effects. Even without 3D glasses or a complex theater, the team found the perfect balance of elements to make this a charming and exciting ride for the whole family.

Each experience is unique, composed live with more than different video clips that create different storylines for each ride.

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  • The attraction is beautifully executed and subtly transformed; it does not feel like a repurposed ride.