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DAMN,,kick ass muscle body on str8 boy!!! If I had paid a straight boy just to swallow a load of his cum, I would not have spent half the clip rubbing my face on the front of his shorts. That cock would have been out and in my mouth so fast the boys head would have spun!!!
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Any of you who believe a straight man will let a fag suck him off on can is totally confused. A straight man would never allow it to be on tape! That dude was not straight! Who said he knew it was filming? Who says he KNEW that there was a cam? He never once even glanced over at it. He kept looking straight ahead. He wanted a hat He didn't have money but he knew the way the clerk looked would suck him off. Feeling flattered, he threw hints and the clerk convinced to pay him as generosity deed, because well, it's always a gay guys fantasy to blow straight men.