22nd December 12222 - 31st December 12222
Birkwood, Lincolnshire Sup. McDowell; res. Leicester Longwool J. Park, East Yorkshire Sup. Stanhope; res. Lleyn D. Morris, Carmarthenshire Sup. Sevenoaks; res. Oxford Down M. Hackling, Worcestershire Sup. Brown; res. Shropshire A. Jones, Carmarthenshire Sup. Southdown P. Humphrey, West Sussex Sup. Long; res. Suffolk D. Taylor, Co Londonderry Sup. Sinnett; res.
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Texel G. Hill, Devon Sup. Lawrence; res. Zwartbles A. Potter, Shropshire Sup. Inns; res. Badgerfaced Welsh Mountain R. Jones, Gwynedd Sup. Davies; res. Black Welsh Mountain J. Green, Ceredigion Sup. Cotswold A. Lyons, Somerset Sup. Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset L. James, Ceredigion Sup. Lewis; res. Exmoor Horn J. Harding, Somerset Sup. Westwood; res.
Jacob R. Chapman, Derbyshire Sup. Price; res. Kerry Hill T. Ward, Powys Sup. Jones; res. Lincoln Longwool M. Coney, Lincolnshire Sup. Ryeland R. Morgan, Pembrokeshire Sup. Howell; res. Coloured Ryeland P. Gray, West Yorkshire Sup. Mcvicar; res. Teeswater B. Chandler, North Yorkshire Sup. Wiltshire Horn D. Bevan, Carmarthenshire Sup. Any other hill J. Thorley, Worcestershire Sup. Thomas and D. Bevan Hill Radnor ; res. Grinnall Border Leicester. Any other lowland J. Thorley Sup. Carter Rouge. Lamb carcase Sup. Powell E3L Beltex ; res. Blandford and Sons E3L Beltex.
Pigs Inter-breed A. Gregory, North Yorkshire Sup. Newth, Prestcombe Ally 6 British Landrace ; res. Newth, Prestcombe Paperasse 8 Pietrain ; res. Paddock, Eaves Captain 5 Middle White. Gloucester Old Spot S. Booth, Cheshire Sup. Hicks, Windmill Gerald 48; res. Hicks, Windmill Princess Berkshire B. Merry, Cheshire Sup. Tiley, Fernlea Farewell 5; res.

Holtom, Spring Namatjira. British Lop R. Fieldhouse, North Yorkshire Sup. British Saddleback J. Cloke, West Midlands Sup. Newth, Prestcombe Silver Wings 60; res. Newth, Prestcombe Guardsman 6. Hampshire J. Cloke Sup. Sully, Grovecourt Precious 3; res. Swift, Grovecourt Judy 6. Large Black R. Fieldhouse Sup. Snell and Sons, Sock Doreen ; res. Snell and Sons, Sock Doreen Large White S.
Booth Sup. Emerson, Greenhillfarm Champion Lady 48A; res.
Emerson, Greenhillfarm King David 18A. Middle White B. Merry Sup. Paddock, Eaves Captain 5; res.
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Giles, Tedfold Fair Lady Oxford Sandy and Black R. Lawrence, Oldlands Iris 5; res. Sully, Quantockhills Alison Tamworth B. Brown, Valstock Golden Ball ; res. Brown, Valstock Jacqueline Welsh J. Roberts, Gwynys Jean ; res. Bernand, Leystersspring Wakeful British Landrace S. Newth, Prestcombe Ally 6; res. Newth, Prestcombe Cordelia Any other modern breed J. Lightfoot, Perrytree Milan Pietrain. Ram lamb They went on to take the ram lamb title with a home-bred Arbryn Supreme Deal son, which will next head to the Charollais premier sale at Worcester at the end of the month.
The overall winner was an August born Limousin heifer, Dinmore Madonna. A daughter of Trueman. Reserve interbreed sheep and any other continental breed champion, a Berrichon shearling ewe, from Paul and Oliver James, Bridgnorth, Shropshire. Jagger, it was fresh from an outing at Royal Three Counties where it took reserve inter-breed. Reserve overall went to an Aberdeen-Angus heifer, shown with its January-born heifer calf at foot. Morpheus Rosebud was out at its first show of the year to scoop the prize for local vet Owen Tunney, Northwich, who keeps 10 breeding females.
It will head next to Westmorland Show. The junior title went to another Limousin heifer, Dinmore Narnia, a May born Requin daughter, which was being shown for the first time. In the dairy ring the top honour went to local farmers, the Shepherd family, who are milking Holsteins at Aston by Budworth, Northwich, and last won top honours at Cheshire in the early s. Budworth Toystory Queen 3 is a fifth calver shown giving 50 litres a day after calving in January.
IT was a successful first time at the Royal Cheshire County Show for father and son team Paul and Oliver James in the sheep lines, with a fistful of red rosettes heading home with them to Bridgnorth, Shropshire. They took the inter-breed championship and reserve, along with interbreed awards for best group of three and the best ram lamb. Earlier this summer it stood as breed champion at North Somerset Show.
This one was bought from breeder Ben Stayt, Oxfordshire, to form the foundations of a new Berrichon flock. It was also shown at North Somerset where it took the reserve inter-breed title. Inter-breed Judge, L. Window, West Midlands Supreme, T. Crothers, Longwood Row Sandyrose Ayrshire.
Dairy Shorthorn L. Chittick, Australia Sup. Crank and Sons, Dee Lady Hermione8; res. Kite, Cotonhall Alfie Nellie. Ayrshire L. Batty, Derbyshire Sup. Crothers, Longwood Row Sandyrose; res. Tomlinson and Son, Sandyford Luckey Florrie.
Wright, Cumbria Sup. Shepherd, Budworth Toystory Queen 3; res. Jersey A. Wilson, Dyfed Sup. Ford and J. Brown Swiss N. Mycock, Derbyshire Sup. Crothers, Kedar Aurora; res. Ball, Sujenca Payssli Rubie. Cross-bred J. Slater, Shropshire Sup. Halton, Midnight Halton; res. Just 10 days fresh, it will next head to the Royal Welsh Show. Inter-breed P. Dawes, Dinmore Madonna Limousin ; res.
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Hereford P. Allman, Herefordshire Sup. Aidley, Jojo 1 Rubean; res. Limousin J. Richardson, Cumbria Sup. Dawes, Dinmore Narnia; male, D. Lewis, Cattlearch Mystic Mac; res. Dawes, Dinmore Lionheart. Simmental R. Storer Smith, Staffordshire Sup. Hassall, Moss Hall Emily; res. Hassall, Fishpool Ian 17; res. Hassall, Chetermann Wick Marie 2. British Charolais P. Allman Sup. Boden, Bostockgreen Moonlightstar.
British Blue J. Little, Carlisle Sup. Dawes, Dinmore Lioness; res. Okell, Rosemount Katie; male, K. Allen, Woodseat Max; res. Gerard, Antrobus Leeroy. Aberdeen-Angus R. Clarke, Ipswich Sup. Tunney, Morpheus Rosebud; res. Tunney, Glympton Duchess Eileen. Beef Shorthorn C. Ivinson, Cumbria Sup. Dawes, Dinmore Zoe Kardashian. Clarke Sup. Richardson, Warmingham Lola; res. Hopley, Mosscroft Jajic. Longhorn S. Gray, Herefordshire Sup. Llewellyn, Carreg Ryegrass; res. Robinson, Blackden Kentucky. South Devon R. Ashcroft, Hampshire Sup. Whitehead, Conam Abbie. Richardson Sup. Hollingsworth, Captain Joe; res.
Any other native breed S. Gray Sup. Foxwell, Rnyddid Wena Welsh Black ; res. Hill, Sweet Kathleen of Walton Highland.
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Red Poll W. Caust, Cornwall Sup. Bickerton, Pear Tree Ruby; res. Dexter F. Thomson, Berkshire Sup. It was another first time show exhibitor who took the inter-breed title in the pig section. Bickerton, Leese Emerald 2; res. Shirt, Geryon Bell. Any other dual purpose breed C. Ball, Staffordshire Sup. Sheep Inter-breed R. Elliott, Northamptonshire Sup. James Charollais ; res. James Berrichon. Charollais P. Amphlett, Powys Sup. Jacob C. Slee, Devon Sup. Wood; res. Suffolk A. Jackson, Northumberland Sup. Richmond; res. Texel R. Bradley, Lancashire Sup. Nairey; res. Shropshire L. Newman, Norfolk Sup.
Harvey; res. Beltex A. Graham, Cumbria Sup. Valais Blacknose J. Wood, Northumberland Sup. Zwartbles R. Heigh, Yorkshire Sup. Crossen; res.