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The government review said planning powers should return to local authorities on a phased and managed basis. Richard Church, Northampton's cabinet member for planning and regeneration, said: "Decisions about the future of our town need to be in the hands of locally-elected councils.

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During the next two months, Daventry District Council, South Northamptonshire Council and Northamptonshire County Council will also consider the transfer of planning powers. The government will then pass legislation to amend WNDC's responsibilities and return powers to the local authorities. Views sought on estate investment. However, it took an urgent question by my hon. May I ask the Leader of the House , why a statement and not a debate? In February, the Health Secretary said that. On 25 April , the Health Secretary commended the important role. So why the cuts? The Health Secretary is a jokerman.

For the second time this week, we have government by urgent question.

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Only last week I mentioned the reversal of the economic policy of Mr Osborne , and here comes another reversal. Can we have a full debate, not just a statement or an urgent question, on the sale of annuities? Dragged to the House on a U-turn so spectacular that we cannot see around the bend, the poor Minister responsible said that after extensive research, it was clear that a secondary market would not be able to offer this scheme. There were many unanswered questions. For instance, when did the Government first do the extensive research?

Will the Leader of the House make a statement to explain what the Secretary of State for International Development meant when she said that the Government cannot reveal their hand on negotiations to exit the EU because one does not do so when one plays poker? Poker, Mr Speaker?

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Are the Government gambling with the lives of the British people? Even Margaret Thatcher had a negotiating position. The Government say that they cannot reveal a negotiating position; we say that that is basic accountability. The debate or statement on airport expansion in the south-east, which was scheduled for next week, has now been postponed yet again. She said that. The Government will identify their preferred site option. I think that is Davies part 2.

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What of the timetable for implementation—the second part of the question that was not answered—and the further work on noise pollution, environmental issues and compensation from Davies part 1? Will those take place? Members of the Cabinet are on different sides of the debate—they are all tangled up in blue. I want to place on record my thanks to the former Prime Minister and his wife Samantha for their unstinting support for epilepsy charities, much of which goes unnoticed. Tomorrow, we remember the 50th anniversary of the Aberfan disaster in which children and 28 adults lost their lives.

I hope that wherever a flag is flown in our one nation tomorrow, it will be at half-mast. Our colleague, friend and supporter of the vulnerable, Jo Cox , gave great service to her country through her public service, and so rightly deserves a plaque in this Chamber. Jean, Gordon and Kim Leadbeter and Brendan Cox should not have had to bury their daughter, sister and wife, and her adored children should not have had to grow up without their mother.


Our love to them all. May she rest in peace. May I first deal with the two very serious points that the hon. Lady raised at the end of her remarks? I am sure that every single Member of the House will want to mark the appalling tragedy in Aberfan when the anniversary is commemorated tomorrow. None of us can ever forget—even if we were fairly young children at the time—the searing impact of the photographs and news coverage of what happened there.

The images and the visible grief of the families are still clear in the memory. So too, as my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister said yesterday, is the fact that those who might have been able to prevent the tragedy in the first place did not act in fulfilment of their responsibilities and did not, until forced to do so, own up to their responsibilities until we had an independent inquiry some years later. Solidarity with Aberfan will unite the House, as will sympathy with the family of our late colleague, Jo Cox.

I know that the matter of the commemorative shield is very high on your agenda, Mr Speaker. On the political points, I was not sure whether the hon. Lady was complaining about there having been too many urgent questions. I felt that there was a certain retrospective character to her comments. On pharmacies, as she knows, there will be a statement by the Under- Secretary of State for Health, my hon. It is very important that we ensure not just that the money going to the national health service is sustained and increased, as the Government are doing, but that every last penny that goes to the NHS is spent to give patients the best possible value.

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We need to look at community pharmacy within primary, secondary and tertiary health care to ensure that we get the best possible value out of every penny of precious NHS funding that is spent. On the hon. Friend the Economic Secretary to the Treasury said yesterday, the Government made a thorough and honest assessment of the prospects for a genuine market in secondary annuities, and we reluctantly came to the conclusion that to have gone ahead with the measures originally envisaged would not have been of benefit to the very group of consumers who were looking to a secondary annuities market to provide them with some relief, because the products were simply not going to be available to give them the additional safeguards and opportunities that they were seeking.

I would have thought that whether we are talking about politics, business or any other walk of life, if we are about to start a very important and wide-ranging negotiation, the last thing that we should do is advertise the detail of our negotiating position so that the people with whom we are negotiating can see everything spread out in front of them. The Opposition need to wake up and realise that the people who would be most delighted if they got their way are the people with whom we will be negotiating across the table. Finally, on the hon.

The Davies report said that any of the three options that it proposed would be deliverable and sustainable. The Government will, of course, comply with the requirement of statutory consultation following that announcement, which the Labour Government put in place. That helps to account for the delay about which she is now complaining. As usual, a very large number of hon. Members are seeking to catch my eye. As colleagues will know, my normal practice is to call everybody on these occasions, but there are exceptions. Today, there is a statement on community pharmacy to follow, and there are two very heavily subscribed debates to take place under the auspices of the Backbench Business Committee.

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  • Therefore, it may not be possible to call everyone today, but if I am to have any chance of doing so, there is a premium upon brevity, which will be brilliantly exemplified by Mr Philip Davies. May we have a statement urgently from the Government about the farce of allowing the child refugees into the country? The Home Office has admitted that two thirds of successful applicants as child refugees are actually adults.

    Today, Jack Straw has said that we need to do better on age checks, as Liam Byrne , did when he was the Immigration Minister. That is a serious concern to many of our constituents. May we have an urgent statement on what the Government are going to do to make sure that the child refugees are actually children? We do work closely with the French authorities to ensure that all those applying to the UK do actually qualify under the Dublin arrangements, which include the requirement for children to be under We have to carry out the checks in a way that complies with High Court judgments on the matter.

    As my hon. May I also thank the Leader of the House for announcing the business for next week? I join him and the shadow Leader of the House in the tributes to Aberfan. Today is a very special day, with the by-election in Batley and Spen , and we recall all the horrific events around the murder of Jo Cox. May I suggest that, in our debates, we get our terms absolutely right for Brexit?