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    But that right, whisky was because Parliament passed a tasting law, which was a constitutional in Elgin, innovation and abomination… Scotland forcing me to break my promise. Picture: PA And so, when people talk about whether I can be trusted, it makes my blood boil because it was they that forced the Government to break its promise. Seldom has a prime minister been so disparaged and reviled by the fashionable London media and political class as Boris Johnson.

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    For more than three years ing to gaze for long enough at a picture of a. Heseltine and they built a sustained narrative telling us that he was uniquely Worse was that as each day of uncertainty unsuited by character and temperament to passed, the prospect of an extremist occupy 10 Downing Street at all. Left-wing, anti-Semitic government that They tried to turn his heartfelt, respectful would have destroyed pensions, left us with and sensible response to a terror attack — in generations of debt and put the country in which he called for tougher sentencing that.

    Brexit turmoil appeared a realistic prospect. The election victory for the Conservatives And they did not in the main do all these things because they were jealous of him, is a tremendously positive boost for this though many of them certainly were, but great nation. Finally, we are able to get because they wanted to destroy the Brexit done and move forward.

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    So Boris the winner has won again. He Mr Johnson has important tasks ahead of has been PM for less than six months and him. Not only to get Brexit done but also to already done the apparently impossible fulfil his promise that austerity is at an end.

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    E In this redrawing of the political map, the Prime Minister and his party have taken on the responsibility of fulfilling the promise. Downing Street at a moment of national Justine Greening spoke through gritted changed its mind on Brexit. Ashen-faced John and again. Picture: PA. Who better to do so than the politi- public opinion over who will get the blame — to win the peace — to create a more dynamic victory by telling colleagues that delivering cal colossus who now bestrides our nation, almost certainly the EU.

    He may have played it putting a smile on our faces in his own inimi- Is there time for a completely are more widely spread, to fashion a Tory safe in his manifesto, but he knows that the table fashion — a gaffe here, a ripe moment comprehensive EU-UK trade deal of the sort Party that can not only win, but also hold on story of the past few years has been a land there but setting an upbeat example to all?

    A moving house or taking the next big step in new Withdrawal Agreement in Brussels, most formally leaving the EU on January 31 Conservative Party for Wrexham and their careers because of not knowing what observers could see at once that the other and concluding a final set of future Wakefield and Great Grimsby as well as for was going to happen with Brexit.

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    EU leaders, many of whom had been led to arrangements? Possibly not. T That means he cannot tilt — and nor would been charmed by him and sensed they were be achieved that will allow the EU good he wish to — in an avowedly Thatcherite looking at the guy they would be dealing continued access to its biggest market, while direction in terms of rolling back the state or with for years to come. But perhaps he can still capture tial, endured with stoicism and playing ultra-hardball in the next round of the wider world again?

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    You bet it can. It knows it faces a prime minis- has evaporated, the Lib Dems can fit in a zenith. So, with a new Roaring Twenties has not caused our country to fall apart. In ter who is not bluffing, not fearful, not being minibus, Labour is at least two terms away about to get underway as a tidal wave of fact Britain has ticked over remarkably well propped up by a fragile, lashed-together from a comeback, the DUP is no longer able investment delayed by Brexit uncertainty is in the circumstances, but it is time to unleash coalition.

    It will negotiate hard but knows to wreak havoc with the parliamentary unleashed, look out for some cultural icons what the great inter-war economist John that he will walk away rather than roll over arithmetic and only the stern, steely gaze to compete with those Filofaxes and red of Nicola Sturgeon suggests a domestic braces of the s.

    It was a revolu- only his family are allowed tion pure and simple. Thank God And one that for dec- for that. Because what we saw on Thursday was the annihilation of a party that wilfully betrayed the people it existed to serve. Apparently healthy was able to forget the decades of his- people who reduce their activity Blyth Valley on Thursday night terrifying prospect of tory and did could do themselves permanent Corbyn as PM. Christmas comes but And they did once a year and my most pulled off a not just in Britain but inside a party just a political footnote — and an first time in THREE years there IS that because our energetic movements over the miracle.

    He that overnight has morphed into irrelevant one at that. He could have played election means. And Boris must not betray recognising the connection Boris to call an election that could have when they were looking for hope. He told us to she lost her Dumbartonshire East nor democratic. And all because he told them in his victory speech.

    And we did.


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