She has worked for the organisation since Laura — who tweets as LauraBWork — is a public policy professional, with experience of policy, public affairs and campaigns, supported by her background of project delivery, frontline work, partnership and strategic working.
She has worked in a variety of local, regional and national voluntary sector organisations, as well as charities using the experience of service user experience and service delivery as evidence for change.
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These policy areas and organisations include end of life and palliative care, mental health, advice and information, volunteering, older people, Sense where she led on their work as part of the Campaign to End Loneliness , and a local Mind. Simon works across the clinical directorates of NHS England to ensure that a coherent, aligned and strategic approach is taken to improving quality in all five domains of the NHS Outcomes Framework. He also spent several years seconded to a Strategic Health Authority.
He is passionate about personalised care and support and has worked on implementing personalised systems in health and social care at local, regional and national levels for over 10 years. His health career began as an Information Systems Manager at a hospital in Manchester, and has since progressed through various pre-sales, project and programme management roles. He is the Chair of the national charity Action on Postpartum Psychosis APP — working closely with women and families directly affected by postpartum psychosis — the most severe form of perinatal mental illness. He is committed to bringing about improved access to maternal mental health services and reducing the unwarranted variation in care currently seen across the country.
He took up this post in November , and leads on policy development with regard to Health Literacy and Shared Decision Making. Prior to this Jonathan was the Director of the Community Health and Learning Foundation, a national voluntary organisation that specialises in delivering Health Literacy programmes in deprived communities.
He has an extensive health background and was Executive Director for Health for five years at the national charity, ContinYou, where he project managed the development of the national Health Literacy Programme, Skilled for Health. Marc Berry qualified as a physiotherapist in from the University of Brighton. This led to further research work around physiotherapy in Critical Care.
Trevor Beswick started his career in hospital posts before joining the South Western Regional Health Authority in education and training and medicines information.
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She has developed an integrated community perinatal mental health service, with perinatal expertise embedded in the three maternity units serving families in Devon. Jo has experience of working with teams, bringing together clinical, management and commissioning colleagues from primary care, acute and mental health services, women, families and colleagues from the third sector. She looks forward to bringing her energy, experience and ideas to this national role. She has held the posts of director of nursing and director of quality assurance in one of the largest UK care providers and was the managing director for Heart of England Housing and Care until She has served on a number of national policy groups, where she seeks to bridge the gap between policy and practice.
In addition to representing members at national and international events, Sharon has developed skills in social care and health policy and regularly works with directors and boards on the successful management of change. He started his paramedic training with London Ambulance Service and the University of Hertfordshire in He currently lives with his partner and two cats in Chester.
Frances has had a career as a highly experienced policy analyst and adviser, with particular expertise in health and regulatory issues. She has established a reputation as an authoritative and effective advocate for consumers with a long-standing commitment to improving the quality and safety of healthcare, strengthening complaint-handling and achieving effective patient and public engagement. She spent 20 years employed by a housing association within Care and Support services.
She later set up a pilot programme at Sandwell to help hard-to-reach groups access primary care mental health services. In her 25 years qualified nursing career, Karen has worked in a number of large and complex NHS organisations in London. She is also a trustee of the Mary Seacole Trust and leads the diversity in leadership programme and was highly commended by the Nursing Times in for her work in diversity and inclusion.
He speaks and writes on end of life care issues, and campaigns for better communication between professionals and patients. He has broadcast on television and local and national radio. Alison Boreham is an expert by experience working in the broader field of mental health service provision.
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She is currently volunteering as a peer support worker within Bristol and Taunton courts supporting people with mental illness through the court process. Alison also works extensively with her local clinical commissioning group as an expert by experience and has also worked with NHS England at a national and local level by providing a lived experience perspective to meetings and consultations. Juliet has been chief executive of the Stroke Association since June Prior to joining the charity, Juliet worked at Macmillan Cancer Support for 16 years in roles including head of planning and policy, director of corporate development and executive director of services and influencing.
She also secured important government commitments to improve patient experience and post-treatment support through the Cancer Strategy for England. Prior to Macmillan, Juliet worked at the British Red Cross in strategy and service evaluation, the Community Development Foundation in fundraising and a political consultancy. Caroline is an HCPC registered Dietitian, who has been practicing for 16 years, with practice experience in acute hospital settings, community rehabilitation, and more latterly Public Health.
Caroline was appointed to the role of Chair of the British Dietetic Association in Throughout this time Caroline has been instrumental in leading a Governance review and implementation phase for the Association. As a strong advocate for the benefits of Professional Association membership Caroline advocates for the diversity and breadth of practice for dietitians and challenges the Board regularly to work creatively within a strong governance framework to advance the Association and the profession.
Her research interests are in professional identity and professionalisation with a focus on developing individual and collective leadership for the profession. Joyce Bowler is a Registered Nurse by background, and has been Programme Lead for personal health budgets for the three Clinical Commissioning groups of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland since June She is a passionate advocate for personalisation and believes that people should not only be given the choice of care and services, but they should be able to access novel ideas to create packages that are outside of what is traditionally commissioned by the NHS that best meet their needs.
Bekki Bowman is a year-old mum of two young children. Until recently she has been a stay at home mum, but has just begun a degree in adult nursing. Her experience of a mental health illness has spurred her to get involved with the development of perinatal services, and NHS development in general. Bekki is excited to see where her degree will take her, and is looking forward to seeing her children grow and achieve new things.
Colin Bowman, 38, works across Lancashire for a charity called Ncompass. Colin is passionate about a number of things, support for partners, mental health awareness, aeroplanes and Derby County Football Club. He started his public sector career working for the Ministry of Defence before moving into Health around 10 years ago.
He has been in this position since August and has worked for the charity since July She is currently working on the Integrated Care Pilot sites in Sheffield, Redbridge, Barking and Havering and Kent and is also working on developing new models of care. Abbie trained locally at Hull York Medical School and went on to complete her postgraduate foundation jobs and GP training in Yorkshire. She enjoys the variety that general practice brings but has a passion for communications and making healthcare accessible to all in a variety of ways. You will often find Abbie running her practice social media accounts and publishing videos or blogs on specific health problems and wider issues.
Her experiences of bereavement have opened a path into working with charities to help raise awareness and support to families who have lost a child. Matt Brown is passionate about working to improve services and outcomes for patients, having spent 15 years working in the NHS around the country, particularly in Cumbria and the North East. During that time, Matt has worked for a number of commissioner and provider organisations, across a range of strategic and operational roles, latterly as Head of Primary Care and Head of Strategic Planning for NHS England.
SPEAR is a partnership of community anchor organisations in Bristol working together to address the health inequalities in low-income areas of the city.

Together they use an assets-based approach to health and wellbeing, using social prescribing link workers based in GP practices. Email: colettebrown southmead.
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He is a keen advocate of antimicrobial stewardship, presenting on this at both local and national conferences. Stuart works closely with his colleagues in primary care and is the current chair of the Antimicrobial Pharmacist Group in the North East of England. Its vision is that the MSK health of the population is promoted throughout life and that everyone with MSK conditions receives appropriate, high quality interventions to promote their health and well-being in a timely manner.
Sue is also a trustee of VoiceAbility. Jenny Brumby is a married mother of two boys and has a holiday home business in Millom. The group works on behalf of the community with the NHS to make decisions about health services. Prior to taking up her current role, Laura was a community pharmacy manager. Since March , Laura has also been freelance writing for a variety of platforms about topics within pharmacy. She also runs her own blog with the hope to provide insight into the pharmacy profession for the general public.
Kate spent the majority of her nursing career working in the community as a District Nurse, before moving into Commissioning. Kate has commissioning experience within Continuing Healthcare, urgent care and health and social care, and before coming into the team Kate held a varied portfolio of community services which included commissioning wheelchair services. He graduated in medicine from Glasgow University in , training in psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital and Institute of Psychiatry in London.
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He set up the Memory Clinic in Manchester and helped establish the old age liaison psychiatry service at Wythenshawe Hospital. He has published over papers and 25 books. He was made an honorary fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in , received the lifetime achievement award from their old age Faculty in and was awarded the CBE in for contributions to health and social care, in particular dementia. Christine is from Wigan, Greater Manchester and is passionate to give back and make things better for carers.
They are both working on the new AskListenDo project about concerns and complaints. Mary is also involved with the children and young people part of the Transforming Care programme. She ensures the NHS works with citizens and communities to have a voice that influences the development, design and delivery of our health and care services. She has a background in Community Development and education with a passion for empowering people to be their own change.
Olivia has worked with a wide and diverse range of voluntary sector organisations, both in paid and voluntary roles, providing support with organisational development, developing services, engagement, involvement and fundraising. She is also a medical adviser for Scottish Government and an obstetrician and gynaecologist working in Edinburgh. Catherine has a special interest in high risk pregnancy, particularly in those women with complex medical problems and continue to have an obstetric medicine antenatal clinic.
She carries out a number of teaching and training roles in both obstetrics and gynaecology and in general medicine.
Research interests include thromboembolic disease in pregnancy and she is an investigator on the AFFIRM study which will study the effect of the introduction of a standardized education and management plan for the care of women presenting with decreased fetal movements in hospitals throughout the UK and Ireland. Ian Callaghan is the Recovery and Secure Care Manager at the national mental health charity Rethink Mental Illness, where he delivers a national network of involvement groups for people in secure mental health services called Recovery and Outcomes.
He is leading the development of an STP-led investment programme focused on the digitisation of secondary care providers, and the business adoption and transformation workstream of the Digital Child Health programme. He has worked extensively across public services, including health, social care, youth justice, welfare to work, parenting support and education. Shelley, is 50, lives in Brighton and has a 14 year old daughter, Faye. She has always been very active with a healthy lifestyle and a very positive outlook but suddenly, in , she was diagnosed with stage IIb high grade serious ovarian cancer.
Fiona Carragher is the Deputy Chief Scientific Officer for England, supporting the head of profession for the 50, healthcare science workforce in the NHS and associated bodies — embracing more than 50 separate scientific specialisms. A Consultant Clinical Biochemist by background, Fiona has a broad portfolio of policy responsibilities, providing professional leadership and expert clinical advice across the health and care system as well as working with senior clinical leaders within both the NHS England and the wider NHS.
More recently she led a number of specialised laboratories for the diagnosis and monitoring of inherited metabolic disease and was Director of Newborn Screening for the South East Thames Region. She has led a number of broader healthcare science projects including technology adoption and leadership development, and created a proactive scientific and diagnostics network across London that supports quality improvement and effective commissioning. She is member of the Steering group for the Young Dementia network.
He is an experienced public sector governance and communications officer who has worked in local government, central government and the NHS. Andrew has worked in the NHS for five years in varying roles including for acute providers, primary care trusts and currently for Hartlepool and Stockton-on-Tees Clinical Commissioning Group. Emily Carter has worked in the field of public engagement and patient experience for 12 years in a range of settings — voluntary sector, Primary Care Trust, Strategic Health Authority and a community healthcare NHS Trust provider.
Rachel leads on creating the conditions and incentives for the behavioural changes needed to foster a culture of collaboration and excellence within NHS England, across the wider NHS and between healthcare stakeholders, demonstrating new ways of working to deliver health outcomes, quality care and economic growth.
She utilises evidence and research of network leadership to spread new ideas, build and orchestrate communities that foster learning and knowledge exchange, and achieve effective cooperative action and peer support. Rachel coordinates across NHS England and its industry, third sector and social care partners the Integrated Care for the 3million lives programme enabling new investment and operating models for the self-management of long term conditions and clinical collaboration underpinned by new technologies. She became a consultant in in a community tier 3 team and currently her clinical sessions are in CAMHS Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
Throughout her career Diana has championed and raised the needs of young people, and has developed effective local services; recently including providing mental health input to the development of Child Sexual abuse services, and roles for the NHS England CAMHS Tier 4 Clinical Reference Group. Richard Cattell has been a pharmacist for 28 years with a career mainly in acute hospitals in the South West, Cardiff and the West Midlands.
In this he focuses on supporting trusts with their care quality, driving the improvement in 7-day pharmacy services, developing aspiring chief pharmacists and providing the senior medicines leadership to the Medicines Safety Programme.