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The poverty is not so- evident in Port au Prince which, in terms of squalor and sheer human misery, does sot begin to compare with Calcutta or Bombay or some Latin American capitals like Bogota. Just the briefest excursion into the countryside brings home how desperately poor Haiti is. Malnutrition is written plain in the sunken eyes and puppet- like figures of the peasants working their pathetically small holdings. Agricultural yields are very tow. In the very long term the high level of unemployment could be alleviated by foreign invest- ment.

Euro Weekly News - Mallorca 6 - 12 November 2014 Issue 1531

The best known are those companies making baseballs. These are hand sewn and Haitian baseballs account for more than. The companies are attracted partly by tax holidays, bur mostly by the fact that the m inimum daily wage is Companies are not investing at a fast enough rate, however, to solve the unemployment problem completely. Moreover, because the work force is largely uneducated, only the basic assembly industries are suitable.

It seems Haiti is un- Bikely to become another Tai- wan or Singapore, at least not in this century. To this seemingly endemic poverty has to be added an im- mediate financial crisis. Haiti could run out of foreign exchange by the summer. It is foreign exchange which is needed for imports to feed the lm urban population.

The country, despite being over whelaningly agricultural, is only 80 per cent sufficient in food. Haiti is facing an immediate balance of payments problem which it seems only the IMF can solve. Haiti ds scheduled to receive Sm in aid from various donors in but in reality will get only a fraction of this. The U. Even with this aid. There are no known rese rves inside the country although the currency remains extremely stable because of deposits in the U. The most recent attempt borrow abroad ended in nc farce when Mr Marc Basin, t.

They were due to taken up by some raystcrin Lebanese businessmen. Before the IMF gives furth aid it is demanding reforms, is not asking for the exchan rate to be changed at fi gourdes to the dollar it rema: stable or for sundry pri increases. Wha t it is demandi is that Mr Bazin cut S20m fn the scheduled budget.

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This amounts to under 20 r cent of the anticipated bung Mr Bazin will have to do probably by belter revert collection. Mr Bazin could become vc unpopular. He seems confide he can pull it off, however. Embarking on this rather unusual venturefora construction aampany was something we sawas alogicalmove. Withaheightof75 metres ithas two rotatingblades whose overall diameter is 60 metres. This one machine will. Projects likeOrkueywfflmakeBritainworld leader in this form ofaltemative energy source, a field in whidiTaylorWoodrowhas already and construction of six nudear power stations.

Nissan Motor Company, the second largest producer after Toyota Motor, said yesterday that output of cars in the April- June quarter might be down by 7 or 8 per cent from the last Tear. A drop of per cent would be the biggest year-on-year decline since when drops of up to 20 per cent were experienced. Gloom over the short-term prospects appears to be especi- ally prevalent at the bigegst companies. Honda Motor, which launched a successful new mini- car late last year, says that it does not face a production drop.

In January t and February, exports of pas- 1 Domestic demand in Japan senger vehicles fell per may have already bottomed out, but the chances of a strong recovery before the latter half of the year are considered slim. Much will depend on whether the Government can find ways to stimulate the sluggish economy. Without a revival in domestic demand Nissan expects that it i will have to revise downward its hiring schedules for temporary workrs in the late spring and Sinai warnings By Patrick Coddwm In Jerusalem The outlook for exports summer.

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To a depth of at least 15 miles in the Iraqi side of the border, the fiat beige plains on both 3ides of the road have been turned into mobile military rities as far as the eye can see. They are made up of thousands rf trucks and the depots and encampments they have spawned. These are just the support and reserve deployments.

Once the border is crossed, you drive another 12 miles along a winding road with abandoned emplacements and dugouts pocking the terrain on either ride before reaching the rear positions. This has been the pattern since the battles ended late last month. Iraq's forces are deployed in three well dug-in defensive fines over a depth of at least six miles and they have many pre- pared positions between them and the border to the rear on which to fall back.

Jim Muir reports on this first tour of the area by outsiders since the Iranian battle successes last month.

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Our forces are now stronger than they were when the battles began on March Our losses in casualties and men captured were made up two-fold within two days. Baghdad lays no claim, as Iraqi J- minute differences between leaders have repeatedly stressed i Egypt and Israel, Mr Walter recently.

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If the Iraqi forces do suffer a morale problem, k is one that is liable to lessen if they should Iraqi officers spoke of human be driven back towards the waves being cut down and frontier. Officers in the field concede that the withdrawal, ordered by President Saddam Hussein on March 30, involved some square miles of terri- tory and that tire Iraqis- lost many men captured though relatively few casualties.

Some diplo- affects that of the troops. Israel today. A seven-year-old Palestinian boy died on the way to hospi- tal yesterday after being shot by Israeli soldiers. He was in- jured when the troops fired into the legs of rioters at the Jebaliyah refugee camp near Gaza. Eight other people were injured. East Jerusalem, the popu- So far, the Iraqis have been i lation of which is largely figure. Now in the wake of the Syrian moves. President Saddam Hussein has announced a new phase of economic austerity and sacrifice.

Once the threat to the nation Arab, continued to be strike- bound. The seven-day strike Is likely to receive a boost after a call by King Khaled of Saudi Arabia for a one-day solidarity strike in all Moslem countries. This follows tbe drop in the gold price earlier this year, high interest rates and last month's contractionary budget Mr Attie De Vries, deputy director of the Stellenbosch Bureau for Economic Research, now predicts that the economy will expand by around 1 per cent in real terms this year, compared with a 4.

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Both men estimated during the second half of last year that the I9S2 growth rate would exceed 2 per cent. Although the momentum of the boom continues to sustain business activity.

Legal representatives of the state and the police contested admissibility of Dr Aggettis allegations that he had been assaulted and given electric shocks. The allegations were contained in a statement made to a police sergeant 14 hours before Dr Aggett died. Counsel for the police argued that the statement was not relevant The magistrate conducting the inquest, Mr P. Kntze, agreed to allow the statement to be admitted as evidence, but the state and police said they would appeal to the Supreme Court.

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The inquest was adjourned until June 1. Mr George Bizos, for Dr Aggettis family, said the family did not accept that Dr Aggettis death had been caused by suicide. Even if it had. Hr Bizos said he, intended arguing that it was a case of "induced suicide. Guards round the mosque were unclear yesterday when it would be reopened for wor- ship.

The local Moslem leadership insisted yesterday that the position of the bullet- holes showed that more than one gunman, was involved in the attack. A Jewish- American military reservist has been charged with murder and remanded in custody for 15 days following the shooting In which two people died and 30 were injured. Meanwhile, the Israeli Army said yesterday that two guerrillas infiltrating from Jordan threw a grenade at a military truck early yesterday before retreating across the Jordan River. Over the week- end, two PLO guerrillas were captured by the Israelis in the same area.

Some Israeli leaders continued yesterday, however to warn that Israel might delay the withdrawal If the problems persisted.

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The Israeli Government said that Egypt had allowed the Palestine Liberation Organisation to infiltrate weapons to Gaza, was backing away from the terms of Camp David and that the final border line in Sinai had not been agreed. There was no need to stall on final implementation of the treaty with Egypt, the party added. It is clear that the Govern- ment intends that the statutory instrument. The bank's notice ELI defines a resident of Argentina as any person, including any body corporate, resident in that country on April 3 or at any later time.