Twitter: SAitke E-mail: susanaitkenhead nhs. In she completed her training as a Psychodynamic Counsellor and then worked in the voluntary sector, a cancer charity and set up private practice. Caroline has significant nursing leadership experience at director level across a breadth of portfolios — healthcare provision, commissioning and system leadership. Dr Amar Ali Graduated from university of Sheffield in He has a active interest in diabetes research and education. Currently works at the community diabetes service and is the CCG lead for diabetes. Yasmin Allen is a dentist who has worked in emergency dental services in a dental hospital environment and within London.
Joy manages the care home in Pontefract, with a 93 bed capacity for elderly nursing, residential, and adults up to 65 years of age. With experience of leading complex programmes spanning multiple organisations to deliver measurable results, her role involves supporting 16 providers and 50 clinical commissioning groups to implement the new national target for psychosis, whilst supporting NHS England managers to assure delivery of robust service development and improvement plans. She has been involved in developing national guidelines for emergency care of young people with mental health problems.
She has also visited other areas of the country to share the Durham model and help shape newly developing CAMHS crisis services. Her recent roles have included Director of Nursing and Interim Managing Director of Mid-Essex CCG, where she championed the role of the nurse on the governing body and its importance in advocating for patients. Tiziana Ansell is a registered nurse, independent nurse prescriber and Darzi Fellow. Prior to moving to the UK she also worked in Italy as a volunteer and paramedic in the ambulance service and underwent work experience in Slovenia in neuro-surgery intensive care unit.
Working in the Patient and Information Directorate, her role focuses on making patient and carer participation in decisions about their care a reality across the NHS. This involves helping to change the relationships between individuals and the health professionals that support them, through shared decision making and support for self-management, personalised care planning and personal health budgets.
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Lesley trained as a nurse and midwife in Gateshead in an apprentice style training that she loved. She says she laughed through all the student years while making lifelong friends and importantly being privileged to work alongside, and learn from, nurses and midwives she still regards to be among the best in the business. Since then she has complimented her training with graduations from Northumbria University. Professionally there are two things that get Lesley out of bed every morning and they are nursing in its fullest sense and the care of older people.
She is very much looking forward therefore to progressing all of the clinical components of the Care Home Vanguard programme so as to make a positive contribution towards improving not only the lives of older people and their families; but the working lives of the staff providing the services also. He was the lead pharmacist for the Northumberland PACS Vanguard where he led an integrated team of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, working collaboratively with doctors, nurses, social care and other professionals to develop and test services for patients across Northumberland.
Judith Barlow works as a community midwife in London, as well as working with the National Elective Care Transformation Programme site delivery team. She has been part of the team working on all the specialty based specialty waves, case studies and handbooks.
Over 25, people have earned Time Credits, and approximately , Time Credits have been issued across England and Wales. Spice works with a network of over 1, organisations and services across the private, public and voluntary sector in England and Wales. Joanne Barrow lives in Wigan, Greater Manchester. She is the parent to three adult children. Her youngest son Tom has a personal health budget which she manages.
She is chairperson of Embrace Wigan and Leigh, an organisation which provides support to disabled people and their families. Through personal experience, Joanne believes that personalisation has been extremely positive both for her son, and for her family.
Jonathan Barrow started his working life at 13, cleaning the local supermarket at 4. At 15 Jon faced a no-brainer decision, was he to finish school, or take a job in a Butchers shop? Over the next 15 years he educated himself, gaining extensive knowledge of signalling and qualifications in management. He spent the last 20 years as an operations manager, dealing with contracts in excess of a million pounds. In this time he suffered traumatic events — the most devastating being when he lost his mum when aged just 24, and she was only His next traumatic situation came when his soul mate of 30 years, Deb, began the painful, daily battle to cope with primary progressive Multiple Sclerosis.
The method of blotting out the pain Jon had put so much faith into, resulted in him spending two years shut in his bedroom unable to cope or face the world, too frightened to leave the room. His long journey back took five years. Along the way he gained a degree with the Open University. Jon now takes care of his wife but, having a real desire to share his coping skills, he started up a new charitable incorporated organisation for anyone with a health condition that feels they could benefit from peer support.
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Rachel is 47 and lives with her husband and her dog. She has now been sober for 18 months.
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She volunteers with the Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals Trust working with the alcohol team that saved her life. Though she feels she can never repay them enough, it is her way of saying thank you for all the hard work they do and hopefully, helping patients that are in the same position as she was. She is enjoying life again. Has started baking again and is happily sleeping in her own bed. Her mood and physical health are so much better and she is enjoying the feeling that the people she loves are not having to worry about her anymore.
He has been the respiratory champion there for the last 10 years, working with both primary and secondary care colleagues within a population based integrated respiratory service. Jo was previously the medical director of a community provider, Gloucestershire Care Services, and of a mental health provider.
Jo was awarded an MA in medical law and ethics from the University of Manchester and has studied transformational change in healthcare at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. Tracey Bayliss has worked for nearly 30 years in various admin and clerical roles for two acute NHS trusts in the West Midlands. Lisa was appointed as Chief Nurse at Health Education England HEE in and in this role she is responsible for leading national policy, workforce planning, and multi-professional education and training commissioning for the non-medical healthcare workforce.
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Her role also includes providing support to five Sustainability and Transformation Plans within the capital. She is responsible for ensuring that care, compassion and patient experience are at the heart of nursing and midwifery in the healthcare system. Juliet qualified as a registered General Nurse in and a Registered Midwife in Throughout her career in the health and voluntary sectors Paula has developed a passion for changing the lives of older people, recognising that we all have an important part to play if this is to become a reality.
Training as a physiotherapist involved her in the well-being of older people. Now, as Chief Executive of Age UK Wakefield District and member of the Age England Association Executive Group, she has been fortunate to be at the forefront of local and national changes that have the potential to alter the experience of ageing for us all. At Age UK Wakefield District, Paula is responsible for ensuring the changing needs of older people are met throughout the district. Integration into the new model of care has brought Age UK some fresh challenges but has significantly improved the service it provides.
As a result it is able to place the expertise gained over many decades alongside other health and social care professionals to significantly alter and improve the lives of older people. Paula also chairs the Wakefield Assembly the local voluntary and community sector board for voice and influence , and is on the board of Nova the support agency for voluntary and community groups in Wakefield district. She supports work across the organisation by building partnerships and expertise to deliver innovation at scale for patient and population benefit.
She also currently works part time as a GSK Fellow, supporting the generation of collaborative solutions between pharma, academia and the NHS to achieve even greater outcomes for patients. She has worked as a commissioner and senior manager across primary, community and secondary care, and has led the implementation of policy. Poorna Bell is an award-winning journalist and author.
She has written a book, Chase The Rainbow, an account of life with her husband Rob who struggled with depression and took his own life in I feel very privileged to be able to say I love what I do and always have, ever since I started volunteering for ChildLine in I am passionate about mental health, as this something we all share and an area where there is real potential to make a positive impact in the world. I hope the ihavementalhealthcampaign will contribute towards helping people better understand this part of themselves.

She has been National Director of the Miscarriage Association since He also has extensive experience of pre-hospital care, having previously contributed to the establishment of a pre-hospital critical care team for Great Western Ambulance, and does regular clinical work in both the Emergency Department and ambulance service. His main research interests are the evaluation of new technologies and techniques, service configuration and workforce, emergency airway management, resuscitation and pre-hospital care.
He has been closely involved with guideline and policy development in the UK, alongside international initiatives to define and improve the quality and safety of emergency care. She has worked for the organisation since Laura — who tweets as LauraBWork — is a public policy professional, with experience of policy, public affairs and campaigns, supported by her background of project delivery, frontline work, partnership and strategic working. She has worked in a variety of local, regional and national voluntary sector organisations, as well as charities using the experience of service user experience and service delivery as evidence for change.
These policy areas and organisations include end of life and palliative care, mental health, advice and information, volunteering, older people, Sense where she led on their work as part of the Campaign to End Loneliness , and a local Mind. Simon works across the clinical directorates of NHS England to ensure that a coherent, aligned and strategic approach is taken to improving quality in all five domains of the NHS Outcomes Framework.
He also spent several years seconded to a Strategic Health Authority. He is passionate about personalised care and support and has worked on implementing personalised systems in health and social care at local, regional and national levels for over 10 years. His health career began as an Information Systems Manager at a hospital in Manchester, and has since progressed through various pre-sales, project and programme management roles.
He is the Chair of the national charity Action on Postpartum Psychosis APP — working closely with women and families directly affected by postpartum psychosis — the most severe form of perinatal mental illness.
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He is committed to bringing about improved access to maternal mental health services and reducing the unwarranted variation in care currently seen across the country. He took up this post in November , and leads on policy development with regard to Health Literacy and Shared Decision Making.
Prior to this Jonathan was the Director of the Community Health and Learning Foundation, a national voluntary organisation that specialises in delivering Health Literacy programmes in deprived communities. He has an extensive health background and was Executive Director for Health for five years at the national charity, ContinYou, where he project managed the development of the national Health Literacy Programme, Skilled for Health.
Marc Berry qualified as a physiotherapist in from the University of Brighton. This led to further research work around physiotherapy in Critical Care.