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Free APP. Trying to sell us energy but keep calling even though we are not interested. Who Called Me Who called me from phone number Positive Neutral Annoying Dangerous. She also said that "you can be absolutely certain that come the next general election, The Guardian 's stance will not be dictated by the editor, still less any foreign proprietor it helps that there isn't one but will be the result of vigorous debate within the paper". Since an editorial in , The Guardian has favoured abolition of the British monarchy.

In the run-up to the general election , following a meeting of the editorial staff, [] the paper declared its support for the Liberal Democrats, due in particular, to the party's stance on electoral reform. The paper suggested tactical voting to prevent a Conservative victory, given Britain's first-past-the-post electoral system. The paper argued that Britain needed a new direction and Labour "speaks with more urgency than its rivals on social justice, standing up to predatory capitalism, on investment for growth, on reforming and strengthening the public realm, Britain's place in Europe and international development".

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Assistant Editor Michael White, in discussing media self-censorship in March , says: "I have always sensed liberal, middle class ill-ease in going after stories about immigration, legal or otherwise, about welfare fraud or the less attractive tribal habits of the working class, which is more easily ignored altogether. Toffs, including royal ones, Christians, especially popes, governments of Israel, and US Republicans are more straightforward targets. In the Labour Party leadership election , The Guardian supported Yvette Cooper and was critical of left-winger Jeremy Corbyn , the successful candidate.

Despite this critical position, in the election The Guardian endorsed the Labour Party. In recent decades The Guardian has been accused of biased criticism of Israeli government policy [] and of bias against the Palestinians. This is above all the case with The Guardian and The Independent ". The EU said the report, dated February , was not published because it was insubstantial in its current state and lacking sufficient evidence. Responding to these accusations, a Guardian editorial in condemned antisemitism and defended the paper's right to criticise the policies and actions of the Israeli government, arguing that those who view such criticism as inherently anti-Jewish are mistaken.

On 6 November , Chris Elliott, The Guardian ' s readers' editor, wrote that " Guardian reporters, writers and editors must be more vigilant about the language they use when writing about Jews or Israel," citing recent cases where The Guardian received complaints regarding language chosen to describe Jews or Israel.

Elliott noted that, over nine months, he upheld complaints regarding language in certain articles that were seen as anti-Semitic, revising the language and footnoting this change. The Guardian ' s style guide section referred to Tel Aviv as the capital of Israel in In response, the UN security council issued resolution , censuring the "change in character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem" and calling on all member states with diplomatic missions in the city to withdraw. The UN has reaffirmed this position on several occasions, and almost every country now has its embassy in Tel Aviv.

While it was therefore right to issue a correction to make clear Israel's designation of Jerusalem as its capital is not recognised by the international community, we accept that it is wrong to state that Tel Aviv — the country's financial and diplomatic centre — is the capital. The style guide has been amended accordingly. On 11 August the print edition of The Guardian published a pro-Israeli advocacy advert during the Israel—Gaza conflict featuring Elie Wiesel , headed by the words "Jews rejected child sacrifice 3, years ago. Now it's Hamas' turn. Greenwald wrote: "This article is about how those [ Guardian 's ] false claims—fabrications, really—were spread all over the internet by journalists, causing hundreds of thousands of people if not millions to consume false news.

After publishing a story on 13 January claiming that WhatsApp had a "backdoor [that] allows snooping on messages", more than 70 professional cryptographers signed on to an open letter calling for The Guardian to retract the article. The first edition was published on 5 May , [] at which time The Guardian was a weekly, published on Saturdays and costing 7 d ; the stamp duty on newspapers 4d per sheet forced the price up so high that it was uneconomic to publish more frequently.

When the stamp duty was cut in , The Guardian added a Wednesday edition and with the abolition of the tax in it became a daily paper costing 2d. In October , the paper took the step of printing news on the front page, replacing the adverts that had hitherto filled that space. Then-editor A. Wadsworth wrote: "It is not a thing I like myself, but it seems to be accepted by all the newspaper pundits that it is preferable to be in fashion.

In , the paper dropped "Manchester" from its title, becoming simply The Guardian , and in it moved to London, losing some of its regional agenda but continuing to be heavily subsidised by sales of the more downmarket but more profitable Manchester Evening News. The financial position remained extremely poor into the s; at one time it was in merger talks with The Times. The paper consolidated its centre-left stance during the s and s.

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It was both shocked and revitalised by the launch of The Independent in which competed for a similar readership and provoked the entire broadsheet industry into a fight for circulation. On 12 February , The Guardian had a significant redesign; as well as improving the quality of its printers' ink, it also changed its masthead to a juxtaposition of an italic Garamond " The ", with a bold Helvetica "Guardian", that remained in use until the redesign.

In , The Guardian relaunched its features section as G2 , a tabloid-format supplement. This innovation was widely copied by the other "quality" broadsheets and ultimately led to the rise of "compact" papers and The Guardian 's move to the Berliner format. In the paper declined to participate in the broadsheet price war started by Rupert Murdoch 's The Times.

The Guardian - Wikipedia

In June , The Guardian bought The Observer from Lonrho , thus gaining a serious Sunday sister newspaper with similar political views. Its international weekly edition is now titled The Guardian Weekly , though it retained the title Manchester Guardian Weekly for some years after the home edition had moved to London. It includes sections from a number of other internationally significant newspapers of a somewhat left-of-centre inclination, including Le Monde and The Washington Post. The Guardian Weekly was also linked to a website for expatriates, Guardian Abroad , which was launched in but had been taken offline by The Guardian is printed in full colour, [] and was the first newspaper in the UK to use the Berliner format for its main section, while producing sections and supplements in a range of page sizes including tabloid, approximately A4, and pocket-size approximately A5.

Planned for the autumn of , this change followed moves by The Independent and The Times to start publishing in tabloid or compact format. On Thursday, 1 September , The Guardian announced that it would launch the new format on Monday 12 September The advantage The Guardian saw in the Berliner format was that, though it is only a little wider than a tabloid, and is equally easy to read on public transport, its greater height gives more flexibility in page design.

The new presses mean that printing can go across the strip down the middle of the centre page, known as the "gutter", allowing the paper to print full double-page pictures. The new presses also made it the first UK national paper to print in full colour on every page. The format switch was accompanied by a comprehensive redesign of the paper's look.

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Designed by Mark Porter , the new look includes a new masthead for the newspaper, its first since A typeface family designed by Paul Barnes and Christian Schwartz was created for the new design. With just over fonts, it was described as "one of the most ambitious custom type programs ever commissioned by a newspaper". This switch was necessary because, before The Guardian 's move, no printing presses in Britain could produce newspapers in the Berliner format.

There were additional complications, as one of the paper's presses was part-owned by Telegraph Newspapers and Express Newspapers , contracted to use the plant until Another press was shared with the Guardian Media Group's north-western tabloid local papers, which did not wish to switch to the Berliner format. The new format was generally well received by Guardian readers, who were encouraged to provide feedback on the changes.

The only controversy was over the dropping of the Doonesbury cartoon strip. The paper reported thousands of calls and emails complaining about its loss; within 24 hours the decision was reversed and the strip was reinstated the following week. G2 supplement editor Ian Katz, who was responsible for dropping it, apologised in the editors' blog saying, "I'm sorry, once again, that I made you—and the hundreds of fellow fans who have called our helpline or mailed our comments' address—so cross. The investment was rewarded with a circulation rise.

In December , the average daily sale stood at ,, nearly 6 per cent higher than the figure for December The format change is intended to help cut costs as it allows the paper to be printed by a wider array of presses, and outsourcing the printing to presses owned by Trinity Mirror is expected to save millions of pounds annually.

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The move is part of a three-year plan that includes cutting jobs in an attempt to reduce losses and break even by An assessment of the response from readers in late April indicated that the new format had led to an increased number of subscriptions. The editors were working on changing aspects that had caused complaints from readers.

In July , the masthead of the new tabloid format was adjusted to a dark blue. With the main paper now a tabloid as of , all week-day supplements are of the same size as the main section. Opinion and idea features are in a second section called Journal , while G2 contains lighter items and features. Saturday's edition contains a glossy magazine called Weekend and a smaller stapled listings and culture supplement called The Guide. The Guide a weekly listings magazine. The Guardian and its Sunday sibling The Observer publish all their news online, with free access both to current news and an archive of three million stories.

A third of the site's hits are for items over a month old.

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The Guardian launched an iOS mobile application for its content in The Comment is Free section features columns by the paper's journalists and regular commentators, as well as articles from guest writers, including readers' comments and responses below. The section includes all the opinion pieces published in the paper itself, as well as many others that only appear online.

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The Guardian has taken what they call a very "open" stance in delivering news, and have launched an open platform for their content. This allows external developers to easily use Guardian content in external applications, and even to feed third-party content back into the Guardian network. The spoof column purported to be excerpts from a chatroom on permachat.

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In August , a webshow titled Thinkfluencer [] was launched by Guardian Multimedia in association with Arte. In the paper also launched a dating website, Guardian Soulmates; [] this is to close at the end of June The paper entered podcasting in with a twelve-part weekly podcast series by Ricky Gervais. The Guardian now offers several regular podcasts made by its journalists. One of the most prominent is Today in Focus , a daily news podcast hosted by Anushka Asthana and launched on 1 November It was an immediate success [] and became one of the UK's most-downloaded podcasts. After I had reached them and written a cover story for the newspaper's G2 section, I got a call from the BBC 's documentary department, which was researching a film on child soldiers.

Could I give them all my contacts? I handed over all the names and numbers I had, as well as details of the secret route through Thailand to get into Burma. Good girl. Afterwards— and not for the first time— it seemed to me that we at The Guardian should be using our resources ourselves.